
set your compass

Why include internationalisation in education? This is the right question to start your journey with. Sharpen your mindset and grow awareness of your internationalisation approach.

meaning for you


open card

meaning for Build@Home


open card

value for your school


open card

flipped approach of Build@Home


open card

value according to Build@Home


open card



open card

@Home activities


open card



open card

meaning for you

What is internationalisation?

How each person in your group defines internationalisation?


Terms can have different meanings in different contexts. For effective collaboration, it is important to start from a common understanding.


By exchanging individual interpretations in your group.

  1. Use the think-pair-share strategy:
    • Think individually about the question.
    • Discuss thoughts and ideas in pairs.
    • Share the joint findings in a plenary session.
  2. Collect the conclusions on the compass-worksheet.
digital or pen and paper
15 minutes

meaning for Build@Home

What does internationalisation mean for Build@Home?


It is important to have a common understanding of the terms used by Build@Home in order to be able to use the toolkit.


You do this by comparing your own views with the empirically based ideas from which BUILD@HOME was developed.

  1. Watch the animation.
  2. Identify the terms related to internationalisation and compare your own definitions to the ones used by Build@Home.
  3. Write down your overall findings and conclusions on the compass-worksheet.
digital with computer and internet
20 minutes

value for your school

What is the value of internationalisation?

Internationalisation is not a purpose in itself. After reaching a common understanding of the main terms in cards 1 and 2, it's time to define what you want to achieve.


It is important to define which are the goals your school wants to achieve with the implementation of international activities.


The first step is the exchange of individual opinions.

  1. Use a "mind mapping method" to identify the motivation factors to categorise the input.
  2. Summarise your common findings on the compass worksheet.
digital or pen and paper
20 minutes

value according to Build@Home

What student-competences does Build@Home want to develop with internationalisation?


To raise awareness of how internationalisation can help to develop competences and reach learning outcomes.


By using the "Nuffic international competence" model.

  1. Download the Nuffic publication and study page.
  2. Compare the international competences in this document with your own views (collected in the compass). What are the differences/similarities? You can do this part individually or as a group.
  3. Summarise your overall findings on the compass-worksheet
digital with computer internet and Nuffic publication
20 minutes


Which internationalisation activities are you already doing?


Raising awareness of what your school is ALREADY doing in terms of internationalisation.


By exchanging and categorising activities identified by each participant.

  1. Use large post-its and divide them in two parts by drawing a horizontal line.
  2. Write down the international activities already done by your school/team on the top half of the post-its (one activity per post-it).
  3. Collect the post-its on a wall, board or sheet of paper.
  4. Summarise your overall findings on the compass-worksheet.
digital or post-its, pen or marker, wall or paper sheet
20 minutes

@Home activities

Which of the previously listed activities are internationalisation at home activities?


To gain a better insight into the type of internationalisation activities and the proportion of internationalisation@home activities.


By grouping the collected activities.

  1. Write each of the following categories on a sheet of paper and stick these on the wall:
    • mobility
    • at home
    • blended (physical and digital)
  2. Place each post-it from the previous task in the appropriate category.
  3. Summarise your overall findings on the compass-worksheet.
digital or 3 sheets of paper, marker, adhesive tape, empty wall
20 minutes


What was the reason to implement the previous international activities in your school?

What was the primary reason? For example: management policy, former experience, enthusiastic team, money available, demand from students, specific learning goals, it's fun, other reasons


Raise (better) awareness of the way we develop educational international activities.


By reflecting on the motivation behind each international activity implemented.

  1. Use the post-its of card 5.
  2. Write the motivation on the bottom half.
  3. Discuss the results in plenary sessions.
  4. Summarise your overall findings on the compass-worksheet.
digital or 3 sheets of paper, marker, adhesive tape, empty wall
20 minutes

flipped approach of Build@Home

Where did you start when planning the previously listed international activities?

Build@Home encourages to plan international activities consciously from the WHY (goals) instead of from the WHAT (activity) or just because it is integrated in the educational policy.


Getting familiar with the concept “flipped thinking”, used by Build@Home.


By reflecting on what had been the approach when deciding to implement the previous international activities identified by the group.

  1. Watch the knowledge clip.
  2. Draw the three circles for WHY, HOW, WHAT on an A0 paper or board. Also write down the words FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS.
  3. Use the post-its of the previous assignments. For each activity, see if the motivation behind is in the WHY, HOW, WHAT.
  4. Place each post-it on the most relevant place in the circle.
  5. Summarise conclusions: In which part of the circle did most activities take place? What does this say about your way of thinking and acting?
digital or large paper, post-its of the previous assignment, compass-worksheet
20 minutes