
secure your intentions

After realizing the chosen @home activity, take time to reflect and embed it in your curriculum. How was the trip experience? Was it worthwhile? And why? Recap, review, revise, retain and recur!

In the check phase we use five easy steps:

  • recap (summarize and list)
  • review (analyse and conclude)
  • revise (correct and improve)
  • retain (embed and ensure)
  • recur (share and continue)

These five logically sequential and repetitive steps will help you to

  • improve quality structurally and cyclically
  • respond flexibly to changes
  • find periodic solutions to issues 
  • make internationalisation accessible to all
  • anchor internationalisation goals  in the curriculum


Summarize and list

which activity(ies) did you do? and from what intentions?


To outline exactly on what you are going to check.


By summing up your earlier outlined intentions and actions.


List the data below on the Check-worksheet. Did you go through the earlier Build@Home steps? Check the roadmap you filled in at process step 2: define.

  1. realised activity(ies)
  2. defined target group(s)
  3. main international competencies to be strengthened through the activity (learning objectives)
  4. the place in the curriculum where the teaching activity was implemented (educational spots)


Analyse and conclude

how was the activity and were the goals achieved?


Evaluating gives you insight into results achieved and the perceptions of those involved. You examine what went well, but also what was disappointing or unsuccessful.


By analysing the results of the survey phase you took and the end of the activity. (See `experience phase` )


Smartly summarise on the downloaded check-worksheet the survey outcomes.

  1. How is the rating?
  2. What went well and what could have been better?
  3. What can be concluded? Define the points of improvement and consideration.


Correct and improve

what are the areas for improvement or change?


The purpose of revision is to refine, improve and ensure quality.


By identifying and prioritising improvement and refinement points related to the activity and process.


Using the worksheet, go through the following steps.

  • For each change and improvement point, list the actual problem;
  • Examine possible solutions and make a choice;
  • Name the required actions.


Embed and ensure

will this activity become a regular part of the educational programme from now on? What is needed for this?


Intentionally embed the activity with its learning objectives in the curriculum.


By consciously re-planning the activity from the WHY.


Agree and document concrete intentions by smartly answering the following questions.

  • WHY to embed this activity in the curriculum?
  • HOW can this embedding be ensured?
  • WHAT is needed to do this?


Share and continue


Share by uploading your best practices in the Build@Home database in choose.


  • with explore: when you want to set your common compass – again or for the first time - regarding.
  • with define: when you want to specify goals, opportunities, needs and resources for a specific target group. After that, you use choose to search again for great challenging at-home opportunities.
  • with experience: when you will repeat and embedded and ensured activity.