target group

Which students do you want to focus on?

For which students would you like to embed Internationalisation at home in the curriculum? What are their specific needs?


The main goal is to agree on the main target group you want to focus on to embed Internatialisation@Home activities.


Creating a profile with relevant characteristics of the target group.

  1. Specify the target group: VET program, subject, level.
  2. In plenary, establish a general profile for this group.
  3. Redesign this image.
  4. Translate this profile into a smart formulated target group of students (composition and needs).
    • cohort
    • VET course
    • EQF
    • number of students
    • composition
    • needs
  5. Summarise the common findings.
digital or paper and post-its
20 minutes


What opportunities exist within your school to embed international activities in VET curricula?


To be aware of the opportunities, possibilities and possible obstacles in the learning or working environment, team, school, region and country, which have to be taken into account to embed international activities within the current curriculum.


Conduct a mini SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis, also called strength-weakness analysis, shows at a glance where opportunities lie and what needs extra attention.

  1. Draw the SWOT diagram.
  2. In a brainstorming session, have everyone individually write his/her input on post-its (maximum of three per category). Stick these in the appropriate place in the SWOT.
  3. Discuss the results together and summarise them. (up to three per category).
  4. Summarise the common findings.
digital or paper and post-its
30 minutes


What specific international competences do you want to develop?


To embed internationalisation goals and activities in the curriculum based on explicit learning needs and objectives (= the ‘WHY’).


For that purpose, you can use the competence classification from Nuffic (or any other framework your organisation works with) and define competences from the following main- and sub-categories:

  • Intercultural competences
    • knowledge
    • attitude
    • skills
  • International orientation
    • toward society
    • toward profession
  • Personal qualities
  1. Use the Nuffic I-competence map (or the one of your preference).
  2. Individually establish a top 3 with competences you would like to focus on (1 per item or post-it).
  3. Share views and jointly prioritise the contributions.
  4. Indicate your common top 2. These are the competences you want to focus on with an activity.
digital or paper and post-its
30 minutes

educational spots

How can you link (some of) the content you already teach

  • to ‘internationalisation at home’ 
  • to an activity focused on international competences?

To embed internationalisation goals and activities in the curriculum based on explicit learning needs and objectives (= the ‘WHY’).


You do this by identifying the best places in your curriculum for global learning and international competences.

  1. Visualise the relevant curriculum: timetable, subjects, projects, etc.
  2. Based on the results of the previous assignments (Target group, Conditions, international competences), discuss where the best opportunities or greatest needs lie.
  3. Summarise the common findings.
digital or paper and post-its
20 minutes

intended purpose

What is your starting ambition for the further Build@Home trail?

What do you want to achieve for the chosen target group using Build@Home?


Before choosing an ‘internationalisation at home’ activity, we must first have clarity and consensus on the intended purpose.


Summing up the results of 1 up 5 of the define fase into SMART indicators.


Record your joint ambition by completing the sentences below.

We want to provide the students of ... (target group) targeted opportunities to strengthen the following I-competences in particular ... (I-competences).

We want to do that by embedding ... (number) `internationalisation at home` activities in the curriculum.

We especially recognise opportunities at the following places in the educational programme ... (spots).

digital or paper
20 minutes