Creating a Seppo Game


Seppo gamification platform is an excellent tool for any teacher. With Seppo you can make it in a way that captures the attention and challenges the participant to think for themselves.

When creating the game, the teacher puts a map as the background image of the game, and on the map the teacher adds task markers that the students have to find. You can put text, pictures and videos in the assignments.

The task can be, for example, filming an educational video, building a human pyramid and taking a picture of it. Assignments can also be written and the studens have to write the answers. There can also be multiple choice tasks.

Teaching tool

Digital tools

other information

Facilities needed: Mobile phones, internet connection, Seppo application/using the browser, pin code, the student´s permission to appear in a picture or video, the courage to record one´s own speech and of course happy, open and lively mind.